
Welcome To Zanany

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest creation, a new music streaming and sharing platform called Zanany. At Zanany, we are passionate about music and believe in providing a platform where music lovers and artists can interact and share their passion for music.

Zanany is located at, and it is an all-inclusive music streaming and sharing platform that allows artists to upload their music, update their profiles and connect with new fans. This platform is specifically designed for the Botswana music industry, and it aims to revolutionize how we create, distribute, and consume music.

At Zanany, we recognize the significant role that musicians play in the growth and development of the music industry. Therefore, we have made it our mission to provide them with a platform to showcase their talents to a wider audience. With our platform, artists can upload their music and reach out to multitudes of music lovers across Botswana and beyond.

On the other hand, music fans can enjoy a personalized music experience like never before. Our platform allows them to listen to their favorite artists and discover new sounds from up-and-coming musicians. Fans can also create playlists of their favorite music and share them with their friends, adding a social aspect to their music experience.

In addition to providing an avenue for music lovers to explore new sounds, we will be introducing programs that allow musicians to commercialize their craft. These programs will provide artists with a chance to monetize their music, enabling them to earn a living doing what they love.

To further expand our reach, Zanany will be complemented by a programmed playlist (Zanany Live) that will broadcast music 24/7 on our radio section of the platform and also as a live stream on our Facebook pages. This effort aims to provide a wider audience with an opportunity to listen to the best music in Botswana and discover new talents.

We understand that Botswana has a vibrant music industry that is yet to reach its full potential. We believe that Zanany will contribute to the growth and development of this industry by providing a platform that connects artists and fans. We are confident that Zanany will be the go-to platform for all music lovers and artists in Botswana.

In conclusion, we are excited to launch Zanany and look forward to revolutionizing the music industry in Botswana. We invite all music lovers and artists to join us on this exciting journey, and together, we can make the Botswana music industry a force to be reckoned with. Thank you.


Team Zanany